Contact Us:

Banking Details:

First National Bank, Howick
Branch no: 220 725
Account no: 620 531 23669

When paying via the internet - please use your
name (purchaser) as a reference and fax or email
your Proof of Payment through to us.

You are welcome to contact us directly, via the below telephone numbers or email, with any queries pertaining to available flowers, orders and/or advice.

If you would like to order one of the products from our Home Page - please 'submit your order' directly to us by filling in the Form at the bottom of our Home Page.
You are also welcome to go to our Online Store and pay using Paypal. Go to: ONLINE STORE

We look forward to being of service to you.


Monday-Fridays  8a.m. -  4.00p.m.
Saturdays             8a.m. -  12 noon

Telephone & email: 

Florist Landline:                  033 330 3809

International Landline: +27 33 330 3809

Florist Mobile:                 +27 82 321 5382

Email address:


Flowers From Howick
10A Somme Street, Howick, 3290

"Flowers leave some of the fragrance in the hand that bestows them" - Chinese Proverb


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